Know Your Numbers! week – what’s your blood pressure?

By Admin

Published: September 12, 2021

What is Know Your Numbers! week?

This awareness week relates to raising awareness in the UK surrounding the importance of knowing and understanding your personal blood pressure numbers.

When is Know Your Numbers! week?

Know Your Numbers! week runs from 6 to 12 September 2021.

Find out your blood pressure numbers

Blood Pressure UK are advocates of knowing your blood pressure numbers, as you would your height and weight.

Knowing your numbers increases the chances of living a long and healthy life.

Find your nearest free blood pressure check station here

Blood pressure checking.

Is your blood pressure high?

Know Your Numbers! Week reaches out to people who may have high blood pressure and don’t know it, in order to get the treatment and support they need to bring it under control.

During Know Your Numbers! week, Blood Pressure UK aims to:

  • Encourage the UK to monitor, measure and record their blood pressure at home
  • Take the necessary precautions if their blood pressure readings are high
  • Seek to raise awareness about the risks of high blood pressure

High blood pressure is known as Hypertension.

If hypertension is untreated, it can lead to a risk of stroke or heart attack. For blood pressure to be considered in the high range, it needs to be 140/90mmHg or higher (or 150/90mmHg or higher if for over 80 year-olds).

What is Hypotension?

Hypotension is when you have a blood pressure reading which falls below the usual parameters. This can be caused sometimes by medications, or it could be an indicator of a different health issue, so is worth getting checked out by your GP if this causes concern.

A blood pressure reading below 90/60mmHg is considered low blood pressure. Only one of the numbers needs to be at this level or lower to count as low blood pressure.

Measure your blood pressure at home

To relieve pressure on the NHS, it is recommended that people take their own blood pressure at home regularly using a simple and reliable monitor.

Some blood pressure stats

  • The ideal blood pressure number is 120/80mmHg
  • 6 million people in the UK have high blood pressure and don’t know it

Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (recorded as mmHg), and presented as two numbers:

Systolic: the pressure when your heart pushes blood out
Diastolic: the pressure when your heart rests between beats

General blood pressure readings guide

As a general guide:

  • normal blood pressure is considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg
  • high blood pressure is considered to be 140/90mmHg or higher
  • low blood pressure is considered to be 90/60mmHg or lower

How can you lower your blood pressure?

Three key areas have a significant impact on your blood pressure. These are:

  • Diet
  • Exercise levels
  • Weight

If you have high blood pressure, you can start lowering blood pressure today by eating more healthily and being more active.

Being more active lowers your blood pressure by keeping your blood vessels and heart in good condition, lowering your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Of course, it isn’t just your blood pressure that is benefitted from increased activity! Exercise strengthens your bones, lifts your mood, improves balance and muscle function, keeps joints moving and helps you to keep more independent as you grow older.

How can I get involved with Know Your Numbers! week?

Join the buzz on social media by hashtagging: #knowyournumbers