Discover the best Personal Trainer in Kettering for You

By Admin

Published: September 2, 2019

Woman with PT at the gym.

Congratulations! You’ve decided to take the next step on your fitness journey and work with a professional who can help you reach your health and wellness goals.

Not only does having the support of a personal trainer keep you more motivated and accountable when it comes to weekly workouts, but he or she can also play a role in helping you maximize your time at the gym, prevent injury and see more consistent results.

But there’s a fine line between making a sound investment in your future fitness success and simply throwing money out the window on something that doesn’t work. The difference? Knowing how to choose the right person who will help you set the correct goals to achieve your desired results.

After all, it’s called “personal” training for a reason – working closely together creates a bond that will help you to stay engaged and motivated throughout the process.

Sometimes finding a personal trainer who is right for you can be tricky, so here at Linnie Fitness in Kettering, we want to help you make the right choice.

Key Questions to ask a Kettering Personal Trainer

Asking these crucial questions ensures you get to know what they can do for you:

  • Do you have any specialisms?
    Some personal trainers in Kettering are experts in other fields, some are massage therapists, others may be yoga experts, and some like to focus their personal trainer efforts on weight loss. By asking the personal trainer what their specialism is, you can be assured that their experience is right for your personal training goals.
  • How do you track my progress?
    To make this investment worth it, always ask the personal trainer how they will track your progress. If they don’t keep track, or they become lazy about tracking your progress, then it can be very hard to know how you are doing. A lack of record keeping, and no real plan of attack can leave you feeling demotivated and make your goals feel out of reach.
  • What are your Credentials? 
    No ifs, ands or buts, a trainer based in Kettering should be able to show you a fitness certification in their particular area of expertise. However – Just because I’m the most certified PT doesn’t make the best PT, the best PT is the one that’s right for that individual client. There are many other factors to consider when making your choice.
  • Consider the PT’s personality 
    What motivates you? Some people do well with positive reinforcement peppered with cheerleading, while others like to get screamed at and scared into doing a few extra squats. Either way, talk to the trainer and get a feel for his style to see if it jives with what works for you.
  • Talk to me about your Philosophy
    This is a subtle – yet critical – point of differentiation because it can end up making or breaking your experience. How does the trainer develop his program, and on what beliefs will it be based? Is it gym-based workouts or meant to be done outside? Will you be using machines or sticking solely to free weights? Ask about philosophy and see if it makes sense for your goals and preferences.
  • Discuss cost 
    Just as experience, personality and philosophy can range vastly between trainers so can their hourly rate, depending on certifications, specialty and location. So before you begin your hunt, sit down and think about your budget. At Linnie Fitness, we offer several flexible packages to suit you.
  • Where are you located?
    This is another area of personal preference, so consider your habits and tendencies carefully. Are you willing to drive 20 minutes across Kettering town, or do you need something within walking distance to stay motivated? And where do you like to train? Some people get inspired by seeing others in a traditional gym setting, others like the one-on-one approach of a fitness studio, and others prefer to work out in the privacy of their own home.


Although you might be feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of choosing a personal trainer, it’s important to note that the criteria above are just guidelines – not hard and fast rules. If you feel strongly about some items and don’t have a preference on others, it’s not a problem; you can streamline your search by keeping one thing in mind:

Above all else, trust your gut. Look for a knowledgeable and experienced personal trainer who feels like the most natural fit. That’s the one to hire because he’ll not only help you reach your goals, but will also keep you feeling comfortable, motivated and inspired throughout the process.